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Prayer and Peace

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Product Information

A basket of blue and white flowers, gracefully arranged to bring comfort in a time of loss.

Prayer and Peace

White, Blue

Burst of Class Florist

Joydell Brooks

Substitution Policy

At times, the image we display might capture a general style or mood but feature a unique vase that’s impossible to duplicate. While the delivered bouquet might not be an exact match to the image, the essence and feel of it will be maintained. Sometimes, we may need to replace flowers or containers due to factors like weather, seasonal availability, or market changes. Rest assured, if we need to make such substitutions for your chosen gift, we’ll keep the arrangement’s style, theme, and color palette consistent, and we will only replace with items of the same or greater value. If there are specific design elements that are crucial to your order, please note them in the ‘florist instructions’ box during checkout, or reach out to us directly to confirm they’re available.

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